Tales from Thailand: Pride Rock

In my About Me page, you’ll read that I have cat phobia. I strongly think I have because I cry, tremble, and even get headaches whenever I think of cats. Okay, can I stop typing that word now? But I actually never had a traumatic experience with any creature of that kind. Guess where we were heading here: 

 Lions are very dangerous.

I love love love lions, cheetahs, tigers, or any big *insert word*. It’s not only because I love Lion King. I just find them so adorable, I don’t know why. So then after the giraffes, zebras, and camels, the next stop in Safari World is the “Pride Rock”.

I soooo wanna hug her! She’s so fluffy (?) I’m gonna die! Haha!

So pretty and poise! Talk about so-phis-ti-ca-tion!

The creeping Bengal tiger. We got scared because we thought he was going to eat us! Haha kidding. The sight of a tiger creeping is just so… uhm.. creepy.

Awwww, thank you for being so photogenic!

Isn’t this so lovely? Tigers and lions living together. 🙂

The King of the Jungle!

It wasn’t my first time to see lions but I can’t get enough! They’re just toooooo cute!

We dream anyway so I might as well dream big. I want to have a tiger or a lion as a wedding gift or maybe as an engagement gift so I can have it earlier. ;p Katy Perry was given a tiger. I love Katy Perry. So I have to get a tiger too! RAWR!

9 thoughts on “Tales from Thailand: Pride Rock

  1. When you mentioned that you want to own a lion or tiger, I remember Chavit Singson and that instance when he and his huge pet were invited to the defunct Kris Aquino and Korina Sanchez’s mornings show. The huge pet went a bit wild and Kris Aquino like almost run away. LOL

    Anyway, you made great photos here. What camera did you use?

    1. I haven’t seen that episode! Lol. Gosh, that’s one of the reasons why I want to go to Baluarte, to see Chavit’s lions! Lol. I only used a point-and-shoot camera, Samsung L100. 🙂

  2. Cats scare me also! 😦 Actually, all animals do. But I do like seeing lions and tigers — they fascinate me!

  3. I love big animals, they are so cool. Oh, and I dislike cats, dunno why, they are just not my kinda animals 😀
    Your pictures are very nice!

    1. They are just so amazing. I can look at them all day! Yes, cats… oh my! I just hate them! ;p

      Thank you! I enjoyed clicking while we were passing by them. I wish we stayed longer. 🙂

  4. Nicely done Pol! Felt as if I was right there with you ! Will be going back on the previous ones you posted that I missed ! Been VERY busy, is the only reason. This week-end, I will be back-tracking your previous issues ! LOVE IT HIJA.

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