Thoughts on Being in a Party – a Third Party

When the box office movie No Other Woman hit the cinemas, I was ecstatic. It wasn’t only because my dear Ann Curtis was THE other woman but it was also because the plot is very familiar to me, not that I have been in one, of course or have I? *wink

Anne Curtis, the other woman.
Which reminds me, I’ll watch this again.

The episode of PBB Teen Edition 4 last night triggered me to write this. With the tsunami of tweets about it, who can avoid looking at the issue in a deeper perspective?

I don’t know why they called it a party. Maybe because it’s something that can give you temporary happiness. Maybe it’s something that can gratify your need for belongingness. But just like any other party, it’s something that is short-term. It’s that thing which sends you high up in the sky in one minute but before you know it, you’re already falling to the ground, with your head landing first. They rush you to the hospital with multiple fractures yet you end up dead on arrival with either myocardial infarction or internal hemorrhage as your cause of death.

Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating. Not. Bottom line: Being the third party hurts. Like hell. Times Three.

15 thoughts on “Thoughts on Being in a Party – a Third Party

  1. Hmmm…. Oh, is that Anne Curtis ? A friend of mine called me one time and told me he was watching a Filipino movie with Anne Curtis in it and told me Anne Curtis reminded me of her. Not really. He he he

    Unfaithfullness is also prevalent in the Philippines, so i gather. My mother has so many maried college friends who are now single because their husbands cheated . Good thing they are all professionals with good jobs who were able to stand on their own two feet and support their children. It’s a pity there’s no divorce in the Philippines.

    1. I haven’t thought about the Divorce Bill but yeah, there are really so many couples breaking up and separating. And I really pity their children, if they have any.

      Yeah! It’s Anne Curtis! It’s a box-office hit in here. Lol. Really? Maybe you look like Anne Curtis! ;p She’s currently in LA doing a Hollywood film! I’m such a f-ANNE-atic! 🙂

      1. thanks for dropping mine too.
        hahaha, weh? ba’t may wink jan ah. sabi daw nila exciting daw maging branch. hehe

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